National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC

Universidad Central del Caribe
Laurel, Av. Sta. Juanita
Bayamon, PR 00960
United States

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC

Our mission is to provide high-quality training and technical assistance to improve the capacity of the workforce serving Hispanic and Latino communities in behavioral health prevention, treatment, and recovery. We disseminate and support the implementation of evidence-based and promising practices to enhance service delivery, promote the growth of a diverse, culturally competent workforce, and bridge access to quality behavioral health services. We are committed to increasing health equity and access to effective culturally and linguistically grounded approaches.



Insights from the Pandemic: Advancing Collective Knowledge on Latinx…

Group of people laughing

SAMHSA: Using Cuento to Support the Behavioral Health Needs of Hispanic/Latinos



Violencia por Razón de Género: Salud Mental y Respuestas Culturalmente Centradas

Violencia por Razón de Género: Salud Mental y Respuestas Culturalmente Centradas Descripción: La violencia por razón de género es aquella

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